Verilog Reference Material

This course is primarily about the details of computer architecture, and for that we need to get down to the level of gates and signals. A heck of a lot of gates and signals. To manage that complexity, we use a hardware description language -- an HDL. In this course, the particular HDL we will use is Verilog. Hardware design feels a lot like writing a program in Verilog, but with basic constructs dealing with things like wires and timing constraints, it's a very strange type of programming language....

An Introduction To Verilog (PDF)
These are the slides Prof. Dietz prepared and presented in class as an introduction and overview of Verilog.
Icarus Verilog & Friends (PDF)
These are the slides Prof. Dietz prepared and presented in class as an overview of some of the freely available tools that are expected to be used for your Verilog projects in this course.
IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language
Verilog began as a proprietary HDL around 1983. Compared to most other hardware design tools at that time, it is unusual in that it allows specifications to mix a variety of different levels of hardware abstraction, even including non-synthesizable programming constructs. It is now one of the most commonly used HDLs.
ASIC World
This WWW site has a multitude of really nicely prepared materials showing how to use Verilog. The only catch is that it very freely mixes different levels all the way down to transistors... be aware we don't want you doing that in EE480.
The gEDA project is developing a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. There's a lot here, and it's all free.
Icarus Verilog (iverilog and vvp)
This is the primary tool we'll be using for compiling and simulating Verilog code. It is actually part of gEDA. Note that you can install it on Ubuntu Linux systems by simply selecting it in the Software Center or Synaptic -- it's a standard part of the Ubuntu distribution, as well as having been ported to Windows, etc.
Icarus Verilog Simulator CGI Interface
Don't want to deal with installing Icarus Verilog? Well, after a little bit of C coding, Prof. Dietz has created a wrapper for iverilog and vvp that allows you to use them via a WWW browser form interface. There is even a scrolling textual VCD trace browser; it might not be as pretty as graphical waveform viewers, but it is fairly effective. As of February 20, 2016, this interface now integrates coverage anaylsis using covered, although to use that you must create a VCD and include $dumpfile; precisely once before specifying any other dump parameters. There are a few restrictions, mostly involving file I/O, but it works well enough to be usable for most things we will be doing in this course.
EDA playground
Here's another WWW interface for running Icarus Verilog... and various other tools including some commercial simulators. Requires Log In for use, but registration is free.

Viewing Verilog Simulation Trace Waveforms

Well, comrades, here we have a choice of one graphical tool. Fortunately, it's a pretty good one. Of course, the CGI interface that Prof. Dietz made (see above) also includes a VCD parser and can render traces textually for browsing.

This is a simple tool for viewing trace waveforms, especially value change dump (VCD) files.

Schematics For Verilog Designs

There are a variety of ways to make schematics for a Verilog design, but most involve manually creating the schematic. In comparison, the Xilinx Verilog toolchain handles this task fairly well... but Yosys is pretty useful as a fully automatic tool and some of the manual drawing tools really can be quite effective in drawing schematics. Why? It is quite easy for a diagram automatically produced from Verilog to be so full of details as to be unreadable. For documentation purposes, a good schematic should abstract the design enough to make the overall approach clear at a glance.

The Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite (what does the Y stand for?) is an attempt to render Verilog to FPGAs, etc. In EE480, we don't need to do that. However, it also can create schematics from Verilog designs, and that's cool. This is also very portable, free, code, but it's not in the usual Ubuntu repositories (there's a special one for it).
This is another one of those very useful software tools out of Bell Labs. It is a language and tools to generate graphs using automatic layouts. Yosys uses it, and you might too: the schematics Yosys generates from Verilog are editable graph specifications for GraphViz.
This is a schematic capture program within gEDA (and generally installed as part of gEDA). It has libraries of parts (e.g., 7400-series TTL) that can easily be used to draw circuit diagrams at the gate level and can maintain connections between components as the components are moved doing manual layout.
KiCad is not just a schematic capture system, but integrates electrical rule checks, netlist export, etc. In general, it is more oriented toward board-level design. The tool within KiCad that makes schematics is eeschema; it seems a tad less clever than gschem, but is generally similar. Like Yosys, KiCad runs on many systems, but it is not in the usual Ubuntu repositories (it has its own to install from). It doesn't know about Verilog.
XCircuit is a drawing program written for unix/X11 (also running on Windows under Cygwin X-Server). It is claimed to produce "publishable-quality electrical circuit schematic diagrams and related figures." This is not tied to Verilog in any way, but is one of several viable method by which schematics to accompany a Verilog design can be manually crafted.
If you've used a unix system to draw a simple diagram any time in the last 30 years, there's a good chance you tried using xfig. It is a very simple, dumb, graphical editor that is well known for simply letting you do what you need to quickly and precisely. There are parts libraries, but people usually just use the macro facility in the tool. I've not recommended using xfig for decades, but I have to admit that I often find myself using it because it is the fastest way to get an accurately-dimensioned drawing made. Of course, it doesn't know about Verilog.

EE480 Advanced Computer Architecture.